
95 Of Network Marketers Fail And Youre Next How You Need To Market To Prevent That

Do you end up with more month than paycheck from your MLM? Do you work a full time job so you can pay for your MLM?More than 90% of network marketers spend more every month on advertising, gas to and from meetings, flyers, room rental fees, buying leads, internet marketing...The statistics are horrible:95% of network marketers fail. The typical time in business of a networker is less than 90 days.Most network marketers don't even make $10/week worth of commission payments.Most work full time and drop money attempting to grow a MLM business.Nearly all networkers are never given the tools required to become successful... they don't learn how to effectively market.The trouble with getting a MLM off the ground is that it costs money to build asustainable business.......Or does it? There is some amazingly effective marketing potential right in front of you, right now.In fact, you probably didn't realize how much money you could make per monththat pays you to advertise..Didn't realise that?Lead generating systems and affiliate advertising.There, I'm not holding any secrets now! You market to other network marketers using a marketing system, and get cash for providing links that sell valuable tools that can help them succeed.You're old marketing methods are not the wrong thing to do...They're just slow.For you to make enough cash flow to continue marketing...In order to keep reps in your organization more than 90 days...You need to have an SLO: Self Liquidating Offer... or several...An SLO is a value that brings in cash automatically. You don't have to sell itjoining your business? Do you think that would allow you to led light bulbs advertise more?Instead of fretting over what your spouse thinks about how much money you're NOT making month after month, you can actually have a positive income from your marketing system.That cash flow, returned to your marketing account, means what you earn from your MLM biz commissions straight to your pocket...where it belongs.A marketing system is ridiculously powerful.You provide your prospects access to helpful tools, by which you are positioning yourself as a leader... a person who has lots of knowledge.And since people join people who can lead... they become your prospects for your MLM!You have - on average - 63 days to start putting money in your reps pockets before they quit or give up.Having a duplicatable system they can copy creates fast cash flow and puts leads to their sales funnel, your retention improves dramatically.You can test drive such a marketing system right now for 2 weeks...100% access to all of the training material available is yours to view, use and try out.It's time to find out what you've been lacking in your anemic marketing...Unless you want to led light bulbs keep on spending your paycheck from your 9-5 job to support your MLM habit. Warren Smith 406 490-2556 Get Ahead In Life Marketing Group mlmgrowthexplosion.com One of the best online marketers showed me what I had been doing wrong and what needed to change in these 7 free videos insanesponsoring.mlmgrowthexplosion.com

