
How to Ensure Network Marketing Success Get a Compelling Brand!

The most important aspect of your network marketing success is in a clear andattractive brand. Millions of people are competing for distributors andaffiliates on the internet and out in the offline community. Success demands thatyou set yourself apart with a brand that attracts followers.Have you heard of network marketers jumping from one hot business opportunity tothe next and never see any long term success and wonder why? We know that theyhave a great product or service, a great sponsor and system, they are doingeverything they are told to do yet success remains elusive! Depression sets inand then they finally quit and forget about any more "hot" deals! This is such anunfortunate yet common story.And, this is a common theme not exclusive to network marketing. This erred focuson the product or organization happens in many businesses and industries. But, thewinners in business focus on what is unique about themselves and their missionalong with purpose, values and vision. What a difference in everything that thewinners do!Please keep in mind that people buy from people when it comes to majorpurchases. The time and money it takes to build a home based business is a majorinvestment and should be treated as such. Attention must be paid to the elementsof the winner's formula.When you combine these important principles and clearly define them, you begin todevelop your brand. Your brand is what attracts a following of customers,subscribers, affiliates or distributors. Branding is the basis for what is knownas Attraction Marketing.You must attract your business. Once your brand is clear, you will attract China Wholesale peoplethat are more in line with your nature. Your brand must emit a truthful andhonest aura. People must truly feel that you are genuine. Not everyone is goingto connect with you and that's OK. Connecting with people that resonate with youresults in a much more cohesive relationship.Each and every person that has passion, purpose and vision for their business, anddevelops the traits, characteristic and skills of leadership, has the compounds forthe branding formula.Clarifying Your Brand…I have another article on the steps for building your brand; however, I think thatthis article warrants a summary on branding. There are really only four questionsto answer that help clarify your brand:Who are you? Are you a home maker that understands what it takes to look after a family andbuild a Android Phones business? Maybe a retired soldier and understands how important disciplineis for success? Just a regular person that has figured it out? A technical personthat truly understands internet marketing and can teach?What do you do? Are you a distributor building a team of like minded entrepreneurs in thenutritional market. Travel market? Self-help information market? A trainer, mentor,a master salesman…Why do you do it? What is your passion and purpose...vision? Do you want to help bring better healthand financial security to everyone you touch with your business? Is your passionteaching how to live a fulfilling life through your business? Is your passion onewhere you show people to have fun in business so they can live stress free and enjoytheir other passions in life? do you do this for your own other passions and/oryour family?Why should a prospect work with you? How will you benefit your prospects and attract them to decide to join you. Willyou be there for them and lead the way? Will you help them learn the proper mindsetfor success? Will you show them great ways to build their business? Why....? Once you get these questions answered, send this brand out to the market in yourvideos and articles in the manner that people can sense your brand visually andin your words. Also develop a "signature" with a choice of words that depict partof your brand or the complete brand like Mike Dillard's "Magnetic Sponsoring."Remember.....people join people. Be a leader on the market. Build your brand!

